Ian Dugdale is a painter living and working in the UK. Born in the north-west of England he was influenced from an early age by the landscape of the Peak District, very much his local landscape, though currently he lives and works in East Anglia. He studied painting at The Royal Academy Schools, winning awards for landscape including a Royal Academy Silver Medal and a David Murray studentship. Primarily working in oil paint and watercolour, Ian has been influenced by an incredibly diverse range of artists, including Ivon Hitchens, David Bomberg, Richard Diebenkorn and Peter Lanyon while stylistically avoiding being enslaved by any. His work has been included in exhibitions such as the RA Summer Exhibition, The Discerning Eye and in mixed shows on Cork Street.
email: contact@iandugdale.com
Artist statement
Being raised on the western edge of the Peak District, I have always had an instinctual response to landscape as a major theme in my work and as I have lived in various parts of the country have learned from different landscapes. Currently living in East Anglia, the sky has begun to take on a greater role. Although sometime making work in its own right en plein air, the majority of my work is made in the studio from drawings and watercolours made on site, supplemented by reference photographs. I often work on many pieces simultaneously, sometimes in thematic groups, often not, to deliberately let ideas cross-fertilise. I try to avoid having “my technique”, rather I like to let the subjects inform my approaches: sometimes very broad gestural mark-making, other times closely woven. Within a broadly figurative approach, I am interested in spaces, patterns and colours and have recently found myself heightening colour further than before and feel that surface texture is becoming a greater interest.
Recent Exhibitions
13 January - 15 February 2025 The Gallery at Green & Stone of Chelsea. Works on Paper 2025
16 December 2024 - 1 March 2025 AKA Contemporary. Winter Group Exhibition
15 March - 13 April 2024 AKA Contemporary. Spring Group Exhibition